” If  the United Nations was fully funded why would we need the Arc or social enterprise”?

Although the United Nations is more or less fully funded and a huge organization it is still necessary to have programs like the ARC and social enterprise.

The United Nations works on peacekeeping, peace building, conflict prevention and humanitarian assistance. So mainly a lot of their aim is to prevent conflicts from happening and being active once disaster occurs. They are the first helping contact of a lot of social issues and provide things like aid to those in need.

This is great and certainly needed but programs like the ARC and social enterprise have a different intentions and outcomes. They focus on the recovery of people and development of businesses in less fortunate places after the events have happened. This rebuilding process is different in the sense that they focus on business development and is more localized compared to the UN. Furthermore, the impact of ARC and social enterprise is more delayed and takes time to yield results compared to the immediate assistance the UN provides.

ARC and social enterprise look at building towards a better future through developing people’s skills. By teaching them business fundamentals and allowing them to apply it to their own goals concludes in improving the overall efficiency of the society and quality of goods and services in the region. A good way to look at it would be the UN is the past and present and social enterprise is the future. Both are equally as important and vulnerable to failure if carried out wrongly.




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