The Future of Ford sees Quick Turnover and Weight Reduction

Ford, the original automobile maker has fallen under many stereotypes throughout its existence. Once being the monopolizing company in the industry and now better known for unreliable and cheap cars. However, It seems that Ford is attempting to re-establish itself as an innovative company in the automobile industry with its new marketing plan. Fords head of product development said that Fords new production plan will include a faster turnover rate, surmounting that of all of its competitors. It plans to release a new version of each model every three to four years. This means an increase in innovation, creating the opportunity to gain an advantage on its competitors. Although the time frame is much more extended then that of Zaras, it follows the same fundamental idea, being that both companies want to give their consumers what they want.

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Another focus for Ford in the future is weight reduction on all of its vehicles. This is to increase fuel economy benefiting the consumers and the environment, providing Ford with a globally responsible perception. The decrease will be any where from two hundred pounds or more and will be implemented by 2013.

The new vision of Ford is undoubtedly impressive and will have a positive effect on the companies returns, and it’s future as an automotive giant.

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