Japanese Auto Industry Conflicts

Over a recent dispute written by Bloomberg between China and Japan, anti-Japanese sentiment has flared up in China. Violent protests over the Japanese’s government purchase of the Diaoyu (in China) or Senkaku (in Japan) Islands led Chinese protesters to chant “Down with the Japan devils, give back Diaoyu,” on the 81st anniversary of the Manchurian Incident. Protesters anti-Japan campaign has spilled over into the auto sector. Japanese made vehicles such as Honda, Mazda, Mitsubishi, Nissan, and Toyota have all been targeted. Protesters have flipped cars and attacked and vandalized dealerships. People have gone to such lengths as to take the bus and leave their vehicle at home. Toyota, Honda, and Nissan have all ceased production at Chinese plants. Dealerships say the walk in customer average over the weekend was half the normal. Market share for Japanese automakers is expected to drop below that of German automakers.

It is amazing how influences completely beyond the control of companies of the Japanese auto industry can have such effects on the business. Ill feelings towards a company can last a long time and in no way has the company brought this upon themselves or could they have planned for it. It’s an incredible way the economy can work and some analysts say this could hurt these companies worse the tsunami last year. All due to consumer taste.

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