Help Needed: Entreprenuers

“This is the most manic depressive way you could possibly live life…” Leo Valiquette posted an interesting blog about the stigma around entrepreneurship certain people hold on and draws upon the documentary The Startup Kids. The opening line in quotations is the first example of what some people think of the entrepreneurial world, but Leo gives argument to the fact that entrepreneurs are needed in the world.

The blog is focused on the IT side of the world but the overlapping principle around entrepreneurs is relevant in any aspect of business. From an Ottawa perspective, the article pulls reference from ten years ago when the IT sector was in decline with telecom jobs and photonics startups failing left, right, and center. From the documentary, a kid tells his guidance counsellor that he wants to become an entrepreneur but is quickly told to abandon such a reckless idea. The failing IT industry a decade ago induced a reduction in enrolment into IT programs as dejected IT parents encouraged kids to go elsewhere.

I would agree with Leo Valiquette’s stance on entrepreneurship. Youth can not be turned away from such a career path because it is risky, or because it was not the career choice of the person giving advice. Entrepreneurs are a special breed of people with drive beyond comprehension, but this does not disuade the fact that they need guidance and help from experienced entrepreneurs who already know the tricks and have made the mistakes. Aspiring entrepreneurs are needed in society and should be given direction; they should not be told to move elsewhere.

The Startup Kids Trailer

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