Unusual commercial

Zazoo Commercial

The Belgium company Zazoo made a commercial advertising condoms. However, I do think it is a shocking commercial. In my opinion, it can be really funny for many people, but at the same time you do get surprised when you realize what the commercial is about. This commercial got banned in some places. However, its popularity keeps increasing until now. Zazoo released this commercial in Dutch and French before adding English subtitles to appeal to a wider audience in 2006.

This commercial has a psycho graphic segmentation basis, it makes consumers think about their lifestyle and their self-values, showing them how a child affects a man’s life. This commercial target’s market are men that are not ready to have children. They do this to show it in a funny way but many people have found it shocking and some parents do think it is not quite true or ethical to put out this kind of commercials.

This commercial has a very drastic way of marketing. May people agree that using fear in marketing is not ethic, but many people disagree as well. The value added by this commercial is, however, that people should have safe sex. I think it is targeted mostly to teenagers. Most teenagers are not ready for the responsibility of being parents. Therefore, what this commercial is trying to show, is that we do have to be conscious about it and prevent an unexpected pregnancy if we are not ready to deal with everything that will come along with a child.

Having children is a difficult task, and people should be sure that they want to have a family before having any unprotected sex.

Even though some people do leave comments on the video saying that they found this offensive, fear has been used in marketing in many different situations by many different companies. Therefore, I do not see anything bad with this commercial because what they are trying to say is that having sex without protection may lead to pregnancy, and if you are not ready to have children yet, just do not do it.

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