Magazine cover that raises questions

The controversial cover of the May issue of Time Magazine featuring an image of a 26-year-old California mother breastfeeding her 3-year-old son had conversations swirling on television, radio and social media.

The caption, “Are you Mom Enough?” has caused a controversy that is sure to go on for a long time to come. The article itself, titled “The Man who remade Motherhood” is about Dr. William Sears and his style of parenting commonly referred to as “attachment parenting.”

In a world where, sadly, there are so many parents who simply don’t parent at all, shouldn’t we support the moms who are working hard to raise their children no matter what their particular “style” is?  Isn’t it more important that a mom decides to love and support her children than for her to feel compelled to breast feed and share a bed with them?

However, many mothers do feel offended after seeing this. The article implies how different mothers raise their children. The fact that they ask “are you mom enough?” has made feel some mothers as if they are being judged in the way they raised their children.

However, even when the magazine replies to all the critics they say that every parent asks themselves: how they’re doing in terms of parenting their child, and that gets to a debate that kind of exists within every parent.

I do think we all ask ourselves how we are doing our job. In my opinion, being a parent must be the hardest and most amazing job

On the other hand, I do not think that Time Magazine should put a question like that in their cover. By doing so, they do not make parents question if they could improve as a parent. On the opposite, they just create a feeling of anger because they may feel judged by someone who wrote an article and believes that is the right way of raising children.

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