Pepsi’s marketing campaigns

Pepsi is a well known company that has made a variety of commercials during the years. In most of these, Pepsi has used celebrity endorsement. We have seen many different artists in Pepsi commercials.

Pepsi used to make commercial against its major competitor, Coca cola. In this video, Jackie Chan is part of a commercial where they send a message saying that Pepsi is better than Coke. However, many of Pepsi’s commercials including the Coca cola brand have been banned. In this year, we have seen the most famous artists in Pepsi billboard or commercials, including Sofia Vergara, Britney Spears and One Direction. This allows Pepsi to reach to a broader market, where this artist’s fans, due to celebrity endorsement, will try to act like them and consume what this celebrities promote.

The latest artist that has been a part of Pepsi’s advertisement is Beyonce. However, Beyonce’s latest 50 million contract with Pepsi has brought a lot of controversy.

The artist has been a part of different campaigns against obesity, including Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move fitness campaign. Therefore, the fact that now she is working with Pepsi means that millions of shoppers across the world will see a hyper-sexualized woman, literally pushing a product that is known to contribute to obesity and its related health problems like diabetes and heart disease.

This has brought a lot of controversy on the media, but there is no doubt that these Pepsi ad executives know what they are doing. They have taken one of the biggest pop stars and sex symbols in the world, and conflated her talent and success with their product, it is marketing genius. Who suffers as a result? Maybe the people that always suffer from predatory ad campaigns, but Pepsi will do just fine with this new campaign.



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