Powerful Eyeball-Aware Ad For Amnesty International

Amnesty International’s bus stop is an example of how interacting ads can be. So that viewers will be engaged and receive another level of meaning to the overall message.

I find it amazing how technology has improved. This ad is for a campaign that bringing awareness to the problem of domestic violence, which happens at home behind doors when nobody is watching. The ad uses a camera to detect faces, it waits few seconds to change the picture of a man hitting his wife, to one of what we see a normal couple. Viewers will then understand why the message says “It Happens When Nobody is Watching.”

Using an interactive ad retains the viewers attention, making them look for a longer time and giving more time to the message to be understood. An ad that is aware of when people are looking is something completely new for most of us. However, this ad has been in a bus stop since 2009. This is really useful because people could know the amounts of viewers during a period of time. Therefore, the advertisers would have proof that they are getting what they are paying for.

On the other hand, this requires expensive technology, which make ads difficult to scale. However, companies like Amnesty International, which is a company that works to protect human rights, have proven us that we can do much more and send a really strong message to community like domestic violence with the technology that already exists.

I believe that in the near future we will see more ads like this one, with interactive messages that will engage us in new ways. Amnesty International has done an excellent job to raise our awareness in an important issue that we could help prevent it from happening.




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