The End

I cannot believe how fast time flies by. It feels to me that we have been in this class only for few weeks. However, all our assignments are over and all that is left is our learnings about this class. I have decided to major in Marketing. This has been an amazing course that helped me made this decision.

My team chose MEC as our company. Now, after all the research we have done about this company, I feel like the CEO. We learned so many different things. Each assignment taught me a different way to look at the company, understand more about how a business work, and to realize that university students could be a great asset for a company.

The first assignments were similar to what he have done in other courses. They included research and things that we were familiar. On the other hand, I have never done a video before. Therefore, this assignment was something completely new for me.

I was not sure if I liked the idea of a video assignment. I thought it would be too hard for us, considering that no one in our team has done something like this before. However, it turned out to be a great experience. We had fun recording parts for the video, we even thought it would be great to leave bloopers for the end.

When it came to edit the video is when we had the hardest time. It took us so long and we underestimated the difficulty of doing this. Thankfully, my team found a way to make it all work.

I could not be happier after this semester. It has been difficult, but I am so grateful because now I know what I want to do in the future.

Thank you for an unforgettable term.

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