Category: News & Events

  • Climate-Friendly Food Systems: Research to Action Showcase

    Climate-Friendly Food Systems: Research to Action Showcase

    Climate-Friendly Food Systems: Research to Action Showcase

    Climate-Friendly Food Systems: Research to Action Showcase

    We are excited to invite you to share the results and outcomes of recent Climate-Friendly Food Systems student-led research and collaborations. We hope you can join us on April 25th from 2:00 to 4:00 pm in the Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability (CIRS), BC Hydro Theatre for Climate-Friendly Food Systems: Research to Action Showcase 2024 to learn about the innovative research and action orientated outcomes being done on the UBC campus.

    The event is co-hosted by UBC SEEDS Sustainability Program and UBC Food Services as part of a series of annual SEEDS knowledge exchange events to advance sustainability ideas, policies and practices on the campus. 

    The event will:

    • Highlight Climate-Friendly Food student Research and recommendations that advance CAP 2030 actions and goals
    • Provide opportunities to advance Climate-Friendly Food Systems on the Vancouver campus and beyond spanning food procurement, consumption and food waste management topics


    • When: Thursday, April 25th 2024, 2:00-4:00pm
    • Where: BC Hydro Theatre (Room 2331) Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability (CIRS, 2260 West Mall), UBC
    • Notes: Bring your own cup and container (in case of leftovers)

    Join us on April 25th, 2-4 pm at CIRS, BC Hydro Theatre. Hosted by UBC SEEDS Sustainability Program and UBC Food Services, the showcase will highlight student research and recommendations that advance CAP 2030 actions and goals.

  • Biodiversity Connects Us: A Student-Led Research Showcase

    Biodiversity Connects Us: A Student-Led Research Showcase

    Biodiversity Connects Us: A Student-Led Research Showcase

    Biodiversity Connects Us: A Student-Led Research Showcase

    Curious about how biodiversity connects us all? We are excited to share some of the recent outcomes of student applied research collaborations which highlight the biodiversity all around us. Please join us on Thursday, May 2 from 2:30 to 4:00 in the Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability (CIRS), BC Hydro Theatre for Biodiversity Connects Us: A Student-Led Research Showcase

    This year’s Student-Led Research Showcase is all about making connections. Join us to learn about a variety of biodiversity projects on the UBC-Vancouver Campus. Presentations will explore nature-based solutions to adapt and mitigate to extreme weatherdeepen our understanding of natural assets across our campus, and identify strategies to enhance the foundational connections that sustain urban campus biodiversity.

    Snacks and refreshments will be provided.

    The Showcase is part of Biodiversity Days(organized by the UBC Botanical Garden with support from SEEDS Sustainability Program). You are also welcome to explore and attend any of the other exciting events that are part of Biodiversity Days. More will be added soon! Find all of the details here.

    Showcase Details

    Curious about how biodiversity connects us all? Please join us on Thursday, May 2 from 2:30 to 4:00 in the Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability (CIRS), BC Hydro Theatre to learn about student-lead research on campus!

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