Monthly Archives: September 2010

Story telling follow-up

To pick up on that last post, some of Vancouver’s best storytellers come together every few months for an event called Pecha Kucha. My friend Eunice (a fellow d-studioer) and I attended the last one and it was completely mind … Continue reading

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Learning to tell a story

Today one of our d-studio classmates claimed he didn’t know how to draw. However, he followed up that claim by saying “but I know how to tell a story.” This came after my  realization that the way I had presented … Continue reading

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Embrace that critical eye

Last night I saw the worst play I have ever seen. Now, I won’t name the play, because it is irrelevant to my point, but let me just say that I saw a stage production of Pippin once, in which … Continue reading

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Introductions and Design Language

Hi Everyone! I’m most excited to embark on this lil’ blogging adventure. I always have wanted to blog, much like how I’ve aspired to write in a diary – however, I just have never had the follow through to be … Continue reading

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