Introductions and Design Language

Hi Everyone!

I’m most excited to embark on this lil’ blogging adventure. I always have wanted to blog, much like how I’ve aspired to write in a diary – however, I just have never had the follow through to be able to do either. I have such respect for daily bloggers and how they stay committed to their projects, which is why I am glad this class is adding the little push I need to get going on blogging!

I am most excited about D-Studio. I call myself a pseudo commerce kid, because I am always running off trying to squeeze in any arts elective I can: theater, drama, art history, journalism, sociology and english to name a few. This is the first time after surviving the math intensive second year of BComm, where I can see a path between my favorite arts electives and my business courses being drawn.

Another reason why I am so excited about D-Studio is that I have always loved the design process. I think I can trace that love to the early days of the TV show Trading Spaces. Yes, Trading Spaces. You remember it, yes? Basically neighbours would get a 1000 dollars each and the help of an interior designer to renovate a room in their neighbours house. I instantly fell in love with the concept of altering spaces and how that affected peoples lifestyles. After that seed was planted when I was about 10, I started redoing every room in the house my mom would let me get my hands on. Eventually I got a little more formal training in the form of drafting, woodworking, architecture and interior design classes. When I was sixteen I went to Parsons in New York for six weeks to study interior design, which was really life changing. I got formally introduced to this design process of prototyping, group work, addressing needs and solving problems the way an interior designer would.

After high school, I decided to take a few years and get my BComm, but in the back of my head is always my love for design. I think without even realizing it, I have been using the same steps of the design process in a lot of the projects I have done for school and work. I never really gave much thought to my specific thought process, or giving names to these steps. However, as I have started to read through the textbook and in the first few lectures, I better understand what these phases of thought mean and what should be achieved in them – in short, matching my thought process with key words of a design language.

Till next time,


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