Learning to tell a story

Today one of our d-studio classmates claimed he didn’t know how to draw. However, he followed up that claim by saying “but I know how to tell a story.” This came after my  realization that the way I had presented my assignment 2 material had clearly not measured up to the bar set by the class.

My assignment partner and I rationalized that it was okay, because we had good content for our assignment. However, I then realized that content is only a small part of the picture, you can have as much great content as you want, but communicating the story is much more important, for if you can’t share it, how will anyone know it is great?

As I go forward in d-studio, this will be my goal, learn to not only develop great content though a design perspective, but to be able to share it with an audience so they too can appreciate it.

So here’s to developing those story telling skills – so that all great ideas can be shared.

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