creating simplicity

Design Thinking is creating clarity from the confusion, allowing us to develop simplicity from the complicated. Our ever clever Prof Ron, reminded us of this a few weeks ago, and I took the lesson and placed in somewhere in the back of my mind and forgot about it.

However, today in about hour two of our four hour Coast project pow wow, it came clear that this is a good message to focus on in design thinking, because yes, these projects are complicated, and it is really easy to get caught up on the details of the confusion. However, as soon as we stepped back and asked ourselves as a group how to create simplicity in telling our story – bam. A great idea hit.

Our whole team was energized by our concept that was derived from this conversation, and I can’t wait to formalize our content as we head towards presentation day. This project has certainly been overwhelming on such a short timeline, but I’m really proud of how well our group has worked through this tough problem using the tools we have learned in class.

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