Category Archives: Uncategorized

dream big

I think that it is not only very easy for us as business students to find the space in a project to dream big. All those ever present toolbox lessons from our first two years of bcomm weigh heavily: questioning … Continue reading

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wowza d. pink.

Our Coast Capital project is dealing with membership, and how we can best leverage it to add value to the credit union. We have learned quickly that membership = community, but in order to get people to participate in building … Continue reading

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creating simplicity

Design Thinking is creating clarity from the confusion, allowing us to develop simplicity from the complicated. Our ever clever Prof Ron, reminded us of this a few weeks ago, and I took the lesson and placed in somewhere in the … Continue reading

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branding coupland style

As a passionate follower all things Coupland, I swooned when I came across this Globe and Mail article. This article tells of how Coupland has created and maintained an incredible personal brand through all of innumerable projects (which cross many mediums). However, what I … Continue reading

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a project that failed

Sometimes I tend to shy away from failures and focus only on building on successes. This week however I had a huge reminder that failure needs to be embraced, and sometimes we all need to learn from what went wrong, … Continue reading

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A week of inspiration

Sometimes what we all need is to step away from the classes and coursework and take in a big dose of the outside world. By getting out and seeing what is going on in this fantastic city of ours, we … Continue reading

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words from the wise

Yesterday in d-studio, we got to present our projects in front of a panel of experts. While this caused a minor bit of panic, as the three minute presentations were subjected to a fifteen minute critique, it actually turned out … Continue reading

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Design Thinker a.k.a the day of Team Fabulous

This past week in class we participated in a three hour design thinking simulation called Design Thinker. Now, since everyone else is writing about it too, I wont go into much detail and just share my feelings on the experience. … Continue reading

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Story telling follow-up

To pick up on that last post, some of Vancouver’s best storytellers come together every few months for an event called Pecha Kucha. My friend Eunice (a fellow d-studioer) and I attended the last one and it was completely mind … Continue reading

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Learning to tell a story

Today one of our d-studio classmates claimed he didn’t know how to draw. However, he followed up that claim by saying “but I know how to tell a story.” This came after my  realization that the way I had presented … Continue reading

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