The re-emergence of Self-Guided Learning
A strong re-emergence of the SGL/SDL concept is taking place in learning and education. Multiple opportunities are available for all types of learners to discover new things and further existing knowledge. All that is needed is the idea or a problem to solve and the discussion is instantly taking place within the world of Web 2.0.
Learners are constantly seeking information and solutions to problems at work, school, or to just satisfy a curiosity. These learners take advantage of digital and networked technologies not only to seek information, but also to share information. (Dabbagh, 2012) As we move into the 21st Century, opportunities to interact and exchange on every subject available are multiplying exponentially. Web 2.0 technologies (such as those utilized within social media platforms) are empowering learners to take charge of their own learning. This shift in how we acquire knowledge is being interpreted by some as a sign that there is no arbiter of knowledge, work, publication, or thinking. (Dabbagh, 2012).
Education has traditionally been seen as a pedagogic relationship between the teacher and the learner. It was always the teacher who decided what the learner needed to know, and indeed, how the knowledge and skills should be taught. (Hase, 2000) But today, the “how” and the “what” to learn is more often presented freely and open to whoever wants to discover.
This graphic sheds some light on the key elements of self-directed learning.
Heutagogy, a recently developped concept that is closely related to SGL advances that it is the learner who should be at the centre of their own learning, and hence that ‘learning’ should not be seen as teacher-centric or curriculim-centric, but learner-centric. This theory also places importance on the process of knowledge creation drawing many parrallels with today’s expressions of SGL.
Techno-heutagogy, the art and science of creating technology-enhanced learner-directed learning environments, recognizes the changed world in which we live where:
- information is readily and easily accessible
- change is so rapid that traditional methods of training and education are totally inadequate
- discipline based knowledge is inappropriate to prepare for living in modern communities and workplaces
- learning is increasingly aligned with what we do
- modern organizational structures require flexible learning practices
- there is a need for immediacy of learning (Hase, 2000).
Many traditional educational approaches are no longer considered effective in preparing learners to succeed in the workplace. A more self-directed and self-determined approach is needed, heutagogy (and it’s shared principles with SGL) applies a holistic approach to developing learner capabilities, with learning as an active and proactive process, where learners serve as “the major agent in their own learning”(Blaschke, 2012)
Learn more:
- From andragogy to heutagogy
- Self-Guided Learning (short video)
- Self-Directed Learning (short video).