I agree with Melody Han’s a blog post describing how controversial marketing strategies can poison the beauty standards in our society. As Melody mentioned in her blog posting, Victoria Secret, one of largest lingerie companies in the world, has promoted its product by creating “an illusion for females all around the world that if they wear Victoria Secret’s lingerie, they will be one step closer to those perfect women on the fashion show runway.” I totally support her idea because I believe that Victoria Secret’s marketing strategy distorted an image of beauty. Also, its advertisement is likely to mislead customers to pursue an image of Barbie doll, so called perfect women (Not necessarily true). This type of marketing which does not consider realistic image of women will encourage females to lose weight and lower their self-esteem. As Melody stated, Victoria Secret’s models do not necessarily define the beauty in our society.
Then how to address this problem? Melody argued that Victoria Secret should be encouraged to use models who have realistic body shapes. For example, instead of models with size two bodies, Victoria Secret should promote their product by using models with size three or four bodies in order not to distort an image of beauty in real. Needless to say that I agree with her suggestion, I suggest that Victoria Secret be more socially responsible by considering an impact of their advertisements on the society as a whole, rather than focusing on pursuing their sales.