Pedro Parámo

Juan Rulfo’s Pedro Parámo employed a non-linear storytelling structure that weaves together past and present timelines of Comala, as seen from the perspectives of various characters, predominantly Juan and Pedro. Though the structure can be perplexing, the theme of timelessness was one aspect that I appreciated about the book, which I believe serves to emphasize the freedom of speech granted to each character in their afterlife. This aspect stands in stark contrast to the living world of past Comala’s, where Pedro Paramo’s tyranny stifled the townspeople’s voices. 

The fluidity and sudden shifts in the characters’ interpretations of death added a captivating layer to the story. The coldheartedness with which Pedro Paramo treated the lives and deaths of those around him, such as the taking of Susana’s father’s and Toribio Aldrete’s lives, demonstrated a disregard for human life. This disregard was later mirrored in the villagers’ apathy shown towards Susana’s passing, leading them to meet their own final resting place. It appeared as though a cycle was at play, and the doom of Comala had put an end to the oppressive rule of caciquism, poised to embrace a future of equality.

The representation of life and death for each character in the book was also thought-provoking. The characters’ definitions of life and death were distinct and personalized. For Pedro Parámo, living meant being with Susana, and for Susana, living meant dying along with her deceased husband, Florencio. The way each character defined life and death gave a unique perspective to the story. It made me think about the complexities of life and death and how each person’s experiences shaped their perspective on it.

In conclusion, Pedro Paramo is a captivating novel that explores the complexities of life and death. The unconventional narrative structure, which blends together past and present moments, and the unique representation of life and death for each character provide a haunting yet thought-provoking experience. I believe the deliberate blurring of the boundary between life and death could also symbolize the rural Mexican notion of the deceased still being present among the living, adding another layer of significance to the tales. The recurrent use of the “wind” metaphor throughout the narratives further highlights the fragility of life, particularly in the context of Mexican society.

Question: What are the other purposes of the non-chronological structure in Pedro Parámo, apart from providing freedom of speech and how does it contribute to the exploration of life and death?


  1. Something that you noticed very well is that not only readers face the difficulty of knowing if the characters are alive or dead at a certain point in the plot, but that for each of them the value of life is different, and that complexity it is traced in a few sentences, in the words they say. There are critics who have insisted on seeing symbolic issues in the novel, but it seems to me very appropriate that you have focused your attention on the polyphonic aspect of the voices in Comala.

    1. Hi there,

      To answer your question, I think some additional purposes of the non-chronological structure in Pedro Parámo, apart from freedom of speech are that it maintains this sense of uncertainly between the living and the dead. Death is a common theme throughout the story and the lines between it are blurred through Rulfo use of ghosts without normally making it clear who is currently narration. Not allowing death to define the timeline of a story in the way that it normally would define the timeline of a life keeps this divide unclear throughout the story

  2. Hi there,

    To answer your question, I think some additional purposes of the non-chronological structure in Pedro Parámo, apart from freedom of speech are that it maintains this sense of uncertainly between the living and the dead. Death is a common theme throughout the story and the lines between it are blurred through Rulfo use of ghosts without normally making it clear who is currently narration. Not allowing death to define the timeline of a story in the way that it normally would define the timeline of a life keeps this divide unclear throughout the stor

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