Technological Proficiency Assessment

I used the criteria listed in the ISTE document to reflect upon my own technological proficiency.  I find that the Seven Principles of Good Practice are exactly that.  I believe they are general principles that should be standard in every classroom and are not necessarily specific to technology.

Facilitate and Inspire Learning

I have taught K-2 for 15 years and have spent the last two years in Denver away from the classroom but still connected to current practices through the MET program.  I will be returning to the Calgary Board of Education in September where I will return full time as a classroom teacher.  In the latter years prior to my move, I spent most of that time in grades one and two and truly saw passionate learners through an inquiry model of learning.  Simply by beginning a topic where my students asked their questions immediately hooked them in and inspired them to further inquire using a variety of resources and technologies.  A critical component of this process is ensuring students have a roadmap of where they are headed.  I always create class rubrics with my students in order to promote self reflection and to help students clarify their understanding and thinking, planning and creative processes.

Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments

As the age-group I have always taught are young children, they are just beginning to figure out how they learn best.  Over the year, I try to introduce a few new technologies and tools which they can explore and towards the end of the year they have choice in what they feel most comfortable in using in their learning.  Often times they end up working in small groups, pairs or individually, depending on how they feel they can work best.  As mentioned previously, class rubrics are primarily used in my classroom but I also use a variety of other formative and summative assessments.  A goal for me is to learn more about various digital assessment tools that I can use for the age group I teach.

 Model Digital-Age Work and Learning

I have my own professional website as well as a twitter account.  I intend to get my parents to follow my twitter feed as I feel I do keep up with current articles and relevant information on educational technology/digital technologies. In the past, I have also had a classroom blog where my students were a part of composing the blog for the day to inform parents of what was happening.  This also inspired students to go home and tell their parents about their day or to read the blog which they wrote.

 Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility

I have to admit that I have not explored this area with my students.  I know it is important that kids start understanding this responsibility from a young age.  Last year the CBE signed on with Google so now when I return I will be able to have my students connect with the global community.  Ensuring both students and teachers are aware of digital citizenship is a personal goal of mine.

 Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership

In my career so far, I have:

–       Been the Educational Technology Lead teacher at all the schools I have worked at

–       Supported the administration teams in providing professional development for staff

–       Supported teachers in using and integrating technology in the classroom

–       Had key roles on two school Learning Commons Committees to help transform their libraries into Learning Commons

Future goals of how I will share my learning:

–      Expand on my Personal Learning Networks to include staff and parents.

–      Connect with colleagues and grow professionally

–      Offer professional development to staff at school or system PD days.

–      If the opportunity presents itself, I would like to continue to be a part of transforming traditional learning practices and environments into more constructivist environments, such as Libraries to Learning Commons.

–      I want to support educators to integrate tools, new media, and emerging technologies into their instruction.

What are some of the “digital-age” skills that you plan to learn and start practicing, or want to further develop?

 I have outlined some of the skills I want to further develop above; however, as an educator, sharing what I know with others is a key reason for me pursuing my Masters degree in educational technology.  With all the educational technologies out there, it is important for myself and fellow teachers to know when and how to use these technologies appropriately.  Much of my program so far is challenging me to consider this and I hope to return in the fall to help others think about the various educational technologies that can support and impact students’ learning as well as how to effectively use these technologies in their programs.  I hope that through ETEC 565 I can learn from the opinions and experiences of fellow community members and reflect on my own beliefs around how technology should be incorporated in the classroom.

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