Creative Commons

1. What type of authorship license you would chose for your Learning Module Project (the Assignment 2 or Assignment 3)?

I have always shared my work and ideas with others and have always appreciated when others do the same for me.  I see every child as a student of mine even if they aren’t in “my class”.  So if sharing is going to inspire or help another child then why hold back?  I feel the creative commons license is the best authorship license for my Learning Module Project.  Having said this, I feel strongly about attributing the original creator and it would be wonderful to reach a point where students and colleagues are naturally doing this consistently.

2. If that is a group project, what your colleagues would choose? What negotiations procedure, you would offer to your group members to come to an agreement on the licensing options for your project?

My colleague in this project also agrees that Creative Commons is the way to go.  In working through this project he has been open in sharing many ideas that have worked for him in the grade group he is teaching and so there were no negotiations needed to reach this decision.

3. How does the discussion of copyright and internet freedom influence your teaching?

As I teach young children, I have always talked to them about “copying” and why it is important to not do it.  We work together in research projects and I teach them how to “put it in your own words”.  I never had them reference their work because they are only 6 & 7 years old; however, as I think about it now, I could have easily made citation slips where they could fill out the author’s name and date.  This way they start recognizing the importance of this at a young age.  Young children also get excited about doing things like this and would probably use more resources so that they could fill out more slips 🙂

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