Task 4 -Manual Scripts -What is Beauty?


Although I rely heavily on type in my job, I definitely still prefer to write down my initial thoughts using paper and pen. It often turns out to be quite a maze on the page as I do not stick to the ‘rules’ of writing and instead my thoughts are jotted down wherever I find a space or connection to another thought. Most of my lists in my life are still often paper to pencil as well. I had a friend go to the grocery store with me once and got a good chuckle from the paper list I pulled out of my bag.

Now for this task, this kind of writing is more difficult using paper and pen as it isn’t a loose set of ideas or lists. I find when I am being more purposeful, typing works better and helps for quick edits. I am also a bit of a perfectionist so, scribbling out or using whiteout isn’t ideal for me 😉 I will be honest, I wrote this out a few times so you didn’t see all of the edits. I also ran out of room at the end so I ended up squishing it in so I didn’t have to waste a whole piece of paper for one word.

I think for me, my ideas run freely and are more available using a paper and pen approach and I save the typing for the polished or final pieces of writing.