This was a tricky task to wrap my head around, not to mention that the information wouldn’t load into Palladio to start. Thankfully I was able to connect with Ernesto and I think most of my learning became about how to add and sort the data onto this platform.
Let me try and makes sense of how to analyze this data using Palladio, even though I am not sure I completely have it yet:
I broke down the information to see what group I was part of and the peers I had most commonalities with were: Lyon, Melissa D, and Melissa P. Our top song being Johnny B Goode, followed by track 3 -Percussion.
Palladio allows you to categorize and show commonalities and differences, however I don’t believe it can give the whole picture without the story behind why someone picked a certain song (in this case) or why they have more or less differences with someone. To understand and interpret data in a thorough way, we need to know about the ‘why’ behind the results or we can interpret the day in a biased way.
For us to further correlate this data we need to analyze the criteria of why we chose the songs we chose. Without comparing similarities and differences in criteria and considering connections amongst them, the data we collect may actually not correlate at all. For example, one of my reasons for picking songs was about joy (which alone is questionable because what I consider to be joyful versus what someone else does could be very different) but if someone else’s reason was for example about the genre or date, we can interpret the data in very different ways but think we are coming up with similarities based on what is plotted on the graph.
Overall this task, stretched my thinking and I am still not exactly sure how I could see myself using this in a helpful way in my practice. That said, I think this may be because I was trying to teach myself something without any prior knowledge or collaboration, therefore I am still unclear if I completely understand what my take away will be from this task (growth mindset comes to mind). I think this would be an excellent task to work with others on in the future.
Systems Innovation. (2015, April 18). Graph Theory Overview (video file). Retrieved from
Systems Innovation. (2015, April 19). Network Connections (video file). Retrieved from