Task 3 -Voice to Text

How does the text deviate from conventions of written English?

Well first off, is it just me or is it hard as an educator to submit writing with so many mistakes?! As many speech to text apps, this one does not intuitively insert punctuation making the story a very long run-on sentence.

What is “wrong” in the text? What is “right”?

What is “wrong”:

When you have a piece of written work with no punctuation it can confuse the meaning or intended message so some things get ‘lost in translation’. It also makes it confusing when the app changes the words you speak to either non-sensical words or other words that you did not say.

What is “right”:

I would say the fact that it captures the raw nature of a conversation. In our chats with others, we don’t always pause for breath or clarity, we get caught up in the emotion or the excitement of what we are sharing and just share without grammar being a concern.

What are the most common “mistakes” in the text and why do you consider them “mistakes”?

The common mistakes would be the run-on sentence and words that are inserted that weren’t intended, making the meaning of the story confusing in parts. I would also say that this is only a mistake, if we are sharing our conversations that we speak in a written form after.

What if you had “scripted” the story? What difference might that have made?

I think that it might help with meaning making. I think if it is scripted ahead of time, you can read the words without really thinking at the same time. That said, it would still show up with grammatical mistakes unless you included the punctuation marks you wanted throughout (saying them out loud as you read).

In what ways does oral storytelling differ from written storytelling? 

Oral storytelling includes the emotion of the storyteller in ways we can’t capture in the written word. It is through voice that the power of a story can stay with you. However, with written storytelling, if done well, the reader can be drawn in and emotions can be captured as well. When a story is told orally you get the beautifully flawed representation of the story and therefore it captures a more real experience.

Check out my unscripted story below of how I came to live in BC…

My unscripted story (using the Dictate App):

I’d like to tell you the story about how I got myself to British Columbia or ended up living here I grew up in London Ontario I’ve noticed in Squamish where I live that there are a lot of people from Ontario so I moved out for what was supposed to be just a summer and I moved to Whistler BC I have done my undergrad at Western in Ontario and then I took some time off when I was in West there I worked at a restaurant and did a lot of skiing and then I moved to North Vancouver where I started my teaching degree and lived on uppers Lonsdale when I lived in North Van I also worked in the service industry while I was going to school at Ubc I had to take the bus from the top of Lonsdale down to the key and then I get on the C bus from there and then another bus to Ubc so each way was about two hours I did a lot of studying on the bus and then once I got my degree I moved to Squamish BC where I started working at a pub and then I went and then I got a job at the Sea To Sky School District as a TOCITO seed for quite a while and then I got my first job at Stawamus Elementary it was quite a busy job from there I’ve I’ve been in Squamish BC now for about 12 years and love where I live I love being outdoors love that I can look out the window and there’s mountains everywhere so I thought I was coming out for two months and I have now been in VCE EA for a total of 15 years which is super exciting I did say that I would have to live here as long as I lived in Ontario for it to be called home but it definitely is my home and I can’t imagine not living here I know I’m trying to continue I continue to try and get my family to move out here but it’s still a work in progress they love it here but of course they have other ties in Ontario so that’s kind of my story on how I came to live in BC thanks