In sacred space, my diary dear, I share,
Profound realizations, a journey rare,
In tapas’ flame, intentions finely spun,
Observing thoughts, a voyage just begun.
Day one revealed, a challenge met,
Negativity’s cloak, a truth to set,
Unveiled, a world of darkened strife,
I saw the patterns that ruled my life.
Day two, with newfound clarity of mind,
Negativity’s grip, I sought to unbind,
Awareness grew, a light to guide,
Transforming darkness, I felt inside.
Day three arrived, a moment’s grace,
A crystal-clear vision, in its embrace,
A fear arose, deep within my core,
For humanity’s path, a truth to explore.
A fear not of devils, nor God’s disdain,
But a world in turmoil, our souls in pain,
A desire to shield my children’s way,
From the chaos that clouds our present day.
Responsibilities unveiled anew,
Beyond mere sustenance, a lesson true,
To instill in them a conscious light,
To guide them through the darkest night.
Interconnected we are, one tapestry,
No “I,” just “we,” in unity,
To evolve and transcend, we must see,
Our shared responsibility to set us free.
Vulnerable I became, in ether’s dance,
An inner journey, a subtle trance,
Still, much work remains for me to do,
To journey toward “knowing,” to become “true.”
A glimpse of love, divine and pure,
A vision of hope that will endure,
Spreading light through words of grace,
Uplifting hearts in this sacred space.
Quiet, peaceful love fills my soul,
No need to change the world, my goal,
Like a parent watching their child’s quest,
I have faith in humanity’s very best.
With love and light, I shall persist,
In this journey of souls, we coexist,
A quiet, peaceful love, my guide,
Assures me that everything will be fine.