Rise of Jesus

In Bethlehem, sacred land, a prophet’s birth,
Chosen by Allah, a mission to unearth.
Prophet Jesus, in Islam’s holy girth,
A messenger of God, his divine worth.

From Mary, pure and chaste, his humble berth,
A miracle, a sign from God’s own hearth.
He spoke in cradle, showing human’s mirth,
Proclaiming his prophethood from early birth.

With miracles bestowed, he proved his might,
Healing the sick and giving blind their sight.
By God’s command, he’d make the dead take flight,
Reviving souls, a beacon shining bright.

The message he conveyed, a call to right,
To worship one true God, the endless light.
A path of love and mercy, clear and tight,
A prophet of Islam, in God’s daylight.

In later times, he’ll descend from great height,
To herald the return of justice’s light.
Prophet Jesus, in Islam’s sacred rite,
A guide for all, his message taking flight.

The Seal Of Prophets

In Mecca’s desert, a gentle breeze did blow,
A prophet came, his heart a sacred glow.
Muhammad, peace upon him, his name we know,
The seal of prophets, God’s divine light’s flow.

A chosen one, with wisdom to bestow,
To guide the lost, to help the spirits grow.
His message clear, in Allah’s name he’d show,
The path to heaven, where pure waters flow.

With patience strong, through trials he would go,
His faith unwavering, like a steady bow.
He taught of love, compassion’s steady tow,
A beacon in the dark, a radiant rainbow.

The seal of prophets, to all the world did show,
The way to peace, where God’s pure fountains flow.
His legacy lives on, a river’s endless tow,
In hearts of those who in his teachings grow.

Krishna-The Path of Brahma

Krishna, divine and radiant in His grace,
A prophet of God, with a sacred trace,
He walked the earth, His message clear and bright,
Proclaiming oneness, in God’s holy light.

In tales of yore, His wisdom did unfold,
A teacher, guide, with stories to be told,
He spoke of love, devotion pure and true,
Of worshiping the One, both me and you.

With peacock feathered crown, and flute in hand,
He roamed the lands, a mystic in the sand,
His teachings echoed through the ancient skies,
A call to seek the truth, to be truly wise.

He danced with gopis, in a joyful ring,
To show that unity is heaven’s spring,
In every soul, the divine did reside,
And through devotion, one could reach God’s side.

Krishna’s lessons, timeless and profound,
Revealed the essence, where truth is found,
He preached the oneness, the Tawhid’s pure decree,
That God is One, in every heart to see.

So, Krishna, prophet, with a message clear,
Guided us toward the truth we hold dear,
In His embrace, the love of God did shine,
A beacon for the soul, a path divine.

Illusion of Kali

Kali, with her fierce and untamed might,
A celestial of destruction, bathed in night,
She wields her sword, a cosmic force of change,
To cleanse the world of darkness, rearrange.

Her dance is wild, a tempest in the skies,
Unleashing storms, the old world she defies,
With fiery eyes that burn with sacred fire,
She purifies the souls, takes them higher.

In her destructive dance, she cuts the ties,
That bind us to illusions, worldly lies,
Her laughter echoes, breaking ego’s chains,
For transformation often comes with pains.

Yet, Kali’s love is hidden deep within,
A mother’s love, the purest origin,
She births the new, from ashes of the old,
In her destruction, mysteries unfold.

The world may fear her, with her fierce demeanor,
But in her chaos, we find the divine arena,
For Kali’s purpose is to set us free,
From worldly bonds, illusions, make us see.

She is the creator of time, in cycles she weaves,
Infinite patterns, every soul perceives,
Her destructive dance is but a part,
Of the eternal dance, creation’s art.

So, do not dread her, for she’s here to bless,
To break attachments, offer soul’s progress,
Kali, with her power, fierce and pure,
Is the catalyst for transformation, that’s for sure.

Serpent Queen

In depths of self, a secret dwells concealed,
The Serpent Queen, in realms unseen, she’s veiled,
A dormant force, in silence she’s revealed,
Awakening the soul, where dreams set sail.

From base to crown, she slumbers, unaware,
A cosmic energy, profound and pure,
In sacred stillness, hidden deep in there,
A serpentine dance, a spiritual lure.

With whispered mantras, yogic breath, she wakes,
A gentle stirring, from her ancient sleep,
Through chakras, spiraling, she climbs and breaks,
The barriers of ego, dense and deep.

In rising waves, she floods the inner space,
A symphony of light and sacred sound,
Connecting earth and sky, she finds her grace,
The Serpent Queen’s journey, unbound.

She pierces through the veils of time and space,
A union of the finite and divine,
In ecstasy, the soul begins to trace,
The cosmic threads of life, in every line.

The Serpent Queen’s fire, a transformative force,
Ignites the path to higher consciousness,
With wisdom, love, and energy, the source,
Of divine union, in its fullness.

In her dance, we find our way,
To self-realization, truth, and bliss,
A sacred journey, dawning of the day,
When awakened souls, in love, persist.

So, let the Serpent Queen rise, with grace and ease,
Unlock the power, the wisdom, and the key,
In her fire, the soul’s release,
An endless journey, boundless and free.

Harmony Within

In the heart’s deep chamber, a sacred space,
Two energies entwine, in a divine embrace,
The masculine and feminine, a cosmic grace,
Their union within, a transformative chase.

The masculine, like a river’s forceful flow,
Assertive, direct, with a fiery glow,
It forges the path where intentions grow,
In its strength and power, it begins to show.

Yet within this force, there’s a gentler stream,
A whispering of dreams, like a tranquil dream,
The feminine, with grace, like a moonbeam,
Adds depth to the river, a magical gleam.

Together they dance, a harmonious blend,
In the center of being, where they both ascend,
Masculine’s purpose and strength to defend,
Feminine’s compassion, as hearts mend.

As the two converge, a balance they find,
In the fusion of energies, the soul’s designed,
The masculine’s courage, firmly defined,
With the feminine’s wisdom, both intertwined.

In this sacred union, a new dawn begins,
The inner alchemy, where transformation spins,
The yin and yang, as one, the soul wins,
Awakening the spirit, as the journey begins.

The merging of energies, a cosmic art,
Within our being, where it all must start,
A union of opposites, a sacred heart,
In harmony and love, we play our part.

So seek within, where these energies reside,
Let the masculine and feminine intertwine and guide,
In their sacred union, your soul will ride,
To higher realms of self, where love abides.

Salaah: The Sacred Dance of the Soul

In the hush of dawn’s soft light,
Before the world awakens to the day,
A soul bows down, its heart takes flight,
In Salaah’s sacred, rhythmic way.

With whispered verses, praise, and plea,
In harmony with the rising sun,
The faithful soul, on bended knee,
In reverence, its journey begun.

Each movement, a graceful, measured flow,
A dance of spirit, a sacred art,
In Salaah’s rhythm, the heart aglow,
A conversation with the Divine to start.

The prostration, a humble descent,
Forehead to earth, soul to the sky,
In Salaah’s stillness, a moment spent,
A connection to the Most High.

With each Sujood, a whispered prayer,
In submission, the soul finds release,
In Salaah’s sanctuary, free from despair,
A tranquil, divine sense of peace.

The Qur’an’s verses, a guiding light,
In Salaah’s recitation, they unfurl,
A beacon in the darkest night,
A map for the seeking soul to swirl.

In congregation or a quiet room,
In times of joy or depths of sorrow,
Salaah offers a sacred bloom,
A bridge to a hopeful tomorrow.

The heart’s compass points toward the Kaaba’s grace,
In Salaah’s compass, we find our way,
A spiritual journey to embrace,
A connection to Allah, come what may.

So, let Salaah be the soul’s delight,
A sacred dance, both day and night,
In each bow and prostration’s role,
We find communion, Salaah, the soul’s sweet toll.

Infinite Echoes: The Resonance of Dhikr

In the stillness of the heart, a whispering flame,
Dhikr of Allah’s name, a sacred claim,
Resonating through the soul’s expanse,
A melody of love, in a divine dance.

With every utterance, a gentle sigh,
Dhikr’s power, like stars in the sky,
A connection to the One, so deep and true,
In the remembrance of Allah, we find our cue.

The name of the Divine, a healing grace,
In Dhikr, we find our sacred space,
It echoes through the chambers of the heart,
A soothing balm, a fresh, new start.

With each repetition, a higher plane,
Dhikr’s resonance, a spiritual gain,
It lifts us from the depths of worldly strife,
Guiding us toward a harmonious life.

In Dhikr, the soul finds its reprieve,
A tranquil moment, a chance to believe,
That Allah’s name, a beacon of light,
Leads us through the darkest night.

The resonance of Dhikr, a divine song,
In every heart, it does belong,
A connection to the Source, the Eternal Flame,
In Allah’s name, we find our aim.

So, let the echoes of Dhikr resound,
In every soul, let them be found,
For in the remembrance of Allah’s name,
We discover a love that’s never the same.

Infinite echoes, through time and space,
Dhikr’s power, a warm embrace,
It unites us with the One, the Supreme,
In the resonance of Dhikr, we find our dream.

Infinite Echoes: The Vibrational Power of the Quran

In the silence of the soul, a sacred sound,
A resonance profound, the purest ground,
A symphony of verses, ancient and divine,
The Quran’s vibrational power, like stars that shine.

Each word, each letter, carries a weight,
In the Quran’s verses, they resonate,
A frequency that transcends worldly bounds,
A language of the heart, where true peace is found.

The Quran’s vibrations touch the inner core,
A healing balm, a spiritual door,
It soothes the spirit, calms the mind’s storm,
In its verses, we find our truest form.

In whispered recitations, a gentle breeze,
The Quran’s vibrations put the heart at ease,
They mend the broken, heal the wounded soul,
In its sacred verses, we find our truest goal.

A divine melody, in every verse it weaves,
The Quran’s vibrations, like autumn leaves,
They fall upon us, like rain from above,
Connecting us to God’s boundless love.

In the darkest night, it’s a guiding light,
The Quran’s vibrations, pure and bright,
They lead us forward, through life’s winding maze,
In its verses, we find our eternal blaze.

So, listen closely to the Quran’s song,
Its vibrational power, pure and strong,
Let it resonate within your very being,
In its sacred echoes, find the truest meaning.

For in the Quran’s verses, a truth does gleam,
A vibrational power, like a timeless dream,
It connects us to the One, the Divine, the Most High,
In the Quran’s vibrations, let your spirit fly.

Surah Rahman: The Song of Divine Mercy

In the Book of God’s eternal decree,
Lies a chapter profound, for all to see,
Surah Rahman, a song of boundless grace,
A reminder of His mercy, in every place.

The Most Compassionate, the Sustainer of all,
His bounties and blessings, like an endless sprawl,
He taught us the Quran, and created man,
In His infinite wisdom, with a divine plan.

“Which, then, of your Sustainer’s blessings can you both deny?”
Repeats the refrain, like a heartfelt sigh,
Each verse a reminder, each line a refrain,
The signs of God’s mercy, imprinted on the brain.

The earth and the heavens, His creation so grand,
Oceans and mountains, stretched over the land,
All made by His word, in perfect design,
The intricate beauty, His love does shine.

The sun and the moon, in their orbits they soar,
A testament to His might, forevermore,
The sky adorned with stars, like jewels agleam,
In the cosmic expanse, they brightly gleam.

Yet, man, in his folly, forgets to give praise,
To the One who sustains him, all of his days,
Surah Rahman’s verses, like a soothing embrace,
Remind us of His mercy, and His boundless grace.

The fruits of the earth, the grains and the seeds,
The rivers that flow, meeting all our needs,
His provision abundant, like an endless stream,
In Surah Rahman’s verses, it’s more than a dream.

In a world filled with turmoil, despair, and pain,
Surah Rahman’s message is clear and plain,
A call to reflection, a reminder to see,
The countless blessings bestowed upon you and me.

So, let us recite it, let its meanings take hold,
In Surah Rahman’s beauty, our hearts are consoled,
A song of divine mercy, for humanity’s sake,
In gratitude and awe, our Creator we’ll wake.