Time & money

I participated in LEAP Launch and Orientation today at the Arts Club. I met participants from all levels. The level 1s impressed me with the amount of experience in theatre that they all had.

I really question whether I’ll have enough time to study and write an one-act play and participate in other extracurriculars and still live life (work out, clean, sleep, socialize). While I’m concerning about maintaining a balance, I believe that if you want to do all the things you want to do, you’ll make the time to do them. That said, my biggest challenge will be determining what is at the top of my priorities and what can be put off. I really strive to put all in a full effort. If I do something, I want to do it well. I don’t want to half-ass anything. This decision to put in my full effort definitely leads to stress when deadlines crash together. BUT I know that when I have more things to do, I’m forced to be more efficient and that what needs to get done will almost always get done at the end. In summary, I guess that I’m not concerned about things getting done but rather things get done with high quality.

Congratulations to the lovely ladies in my pledge class who were initiated into active members last night! I chose not not to get initiated this fall. Being in a sorority is great but chapter dues are quite a lot to invest in. Those of you who have been reading my blog know that I’ve always been very careful about money.  I do have enough money saved and (thank you all so much generous donors!!) financial aid BUT I am also firm about only using scholarship money for tuition, textbooks, school fees, etc. It’s extremely important to me to always have at least a particular amount of money saved and to save most of the money I make from work.This money I absolutely refuse to touch no matter how painful the decisions are that I’m forced to make because of this. This resolution of mine probably requires a backstory but in short, I’m saving this money so that I have enough to apply for and hopefully attend professional school.   So, that doesn’t leave me with much leftover money. I have so much on my plate that I don’t want to take on another job or else I can’t achieve quality in my academics or the other activities that I’m already involved in. (I already have one job but it doesn’t pay enough to cover dues.) I also believe if I become an initiated member, I want to contributing quality effort and time to my sorority. My goal with sorority life was to become very active with our philanthropic efforts. While I was up and totally involved with our fundraiser for the Arthritis Society, I was unfortunately unable to participate in philanthropy events such as Theta’s Katwalk and Beta’s Gammies because I was writing my midterms during the events. This alerted me to the fact that I’m just not able to do sorority life very well at the moment. I need more time to learn how to manage my time and work effectively before I commit to the huge time demands of sorority life.I’m still affiliated with AOII but I’ve chosen to take on a lesser role as an uninitiated member. I may choose to become a full member in the spring.

To finish off, I want to share with you all the song that I’m addicted to at the moment: The music video makes little sense to me but this song energizes me!


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