Marketing to Men: How Yogurt Got Masculine

Customer segments are rapidly changing throughout the food industry, as shown by the Washington Post’s recent article. Women have nearly always been the prime targets for food companies, as they have, in previous years , been most likely to do the most grocery shopping within a household. However, as times have changed and women have become the main source of income in many households, companies have adapted and introduced innovative ways of attracting male shoppers’ attention.

This is an incredibly important transition for food companies. Instead of marketing indirectly to the male client through the female shopper, they can widen their consumer base and provide products that will appeal to men as they see them in the store. Thus these companies such as Kraft and Dannon have capitalized well in developing new marketing strategies relevant to their new costumer segment. The ability to adapt to demographic changes is an invaluable component of a company’s success. By expanding and adjusting value propositions to suit a male client, many of the food companies mentioned exhibit transient advantage and thus gain momentum over other company’s who cannot adapt as quickly. Through the bold new flavors and designs of many products on grocery store shelves, the food industry is rapidly reflecting the changing nature of society.


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