McDonald’s Rethinks its Priorities

McDonald’s has faced adversity in past years, since public awareness regarding obesity and ethics in the food industry has increased significantly. Thus McDonald’s has been forced to shift strategy and adapt to a value proposition that focuses more on the quality of the product.

I agree with the comments that Charmian Ho made in her blog, and see this change as an opportunity for McDonald’s to expand their customer segment and appeal to those who have adopted a diet that not only calls for a product with exceptional taste, but quality ingredients. In the past, the value propositions for many fast food restaurants, not only McDonald’s, focused on serving customers what they craved with expedient service. Recent years have challenged this strategy, however, as obesity rates have soared and the practices of the food industry have become disturbingly transparent.

Not only has McDonald’s value proposition changed, however, but their channels as well. They have also begun to reach out people directly via the internet to gain information regarding the preference of their customer segment. Through these changes, McDonald’s has shown an incredible ability to evolve and suit the changing needs of their modern customer while maintaining the integrity of their business as a whole.

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