Ben and Jerry’s: Sweet Treats Making Statements

Ben and Jerry’s ice cream company has long been an active participant in the political sphere, and has once again stepped into the spotlight, as shown in a recent Global News article. Ben and Jerry’s has now begun sourcing non-GMO ingredients to show its commitment to the non-GMO movement and a customer’s right to a high-quality, natural product.

Ben and Jerry’s choice to change their method of sourcing ingredients, as well as their outspoken nature in the non-GMO movement, truly reveals their ethics and overall values as a company. This has not only affected their customer relationship, but now their value proposition as well. Customer’s can now see how Ben and Jerry’s political views play into the improvement of their overall product. This ultimately creates positive recognition for the company, and could lead to a greater appreciation for the importance of non-GMO products. Though the impact of such ingredients is not fully understood, Ben and Jerry’s has shown that the shift away from such products simply means a more locally-sourced, natural result. This recent change has also given way to other GMO labeling measures that give Ben and Jerry’s the opportunity to expand its ideas and enlighten the rest of the country about its all-natural, delectable ice cream.

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