Can Corporations Save the Planet?

As Brodie described in his blog post regarding the coalition of companies striving to combat climate change, corporate social responsibility and consideration of overall ethical values in business can help shape the overall global presence of a company. As shown by the companies involved in the agreement to ultimately put an end to deforestation across the globe, businesses have more responsibility and can have more impact in the world beyond just making profit. These companies, while creating a strong brand image and appealing to more customers through their stance on social and environmental crises, are making a statement and creating movements for social and cultural progress.

Global climate change is not only an issue that affects a certain region or a certain group of people; rather it is an issue that affects the global population. Therefore, it is essential for those with the power to communicate and market ideas throughout the world to work towards change. Companies are platforms that allow for efficient communication to a larger audience, without the divisions of politics that governmental entities face. Therefore, while making profits, companies can also use their power and influence to create shared value in their communities and the world as a whole.

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