Brand Positioning: Mac vs. PC

In class 6 (Tuesday, Sept. 27, 2010), we discussed brand positioning, and how a company is able to position its product in the mind of a consumer even though the consumer is being constantly bombarded with a non-stop stream of advertising. We talked about leading products such as Coca-Cola, and how its successful advertisement and marketing strategies was able to allow it to stick in the minds of consumers. During today’s discussion, I was thinking about popular brands in today’s society and the reason behind its popularity. For example, in class I’ve noticed that many of my peers own at least one “Mac” product, whether it was an Iphone, Ipod or Macbook, everyone seemed to possess a product that belonged to Mac. I was wondering what contributed to the success of Mac and I realized that it was through Mac’s strategic marketing campaign, and its ability to form a positive perception in the mind of a consumer. It is crucial that a brand such as Mac nullify its competition (PC) by matching them on the point of parity and distinguishing their own points of differences in order to claim superiority and exclusiveness over PC in the computer market.

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