This class has been an enriching experience for me. Comm 299 – Career fundamentals has taught me in the basics of commerce. In the first half of the year, we had public speaking classes. These classes helped us improve our public speaking ability and gave us the confidence we needed to learn how to successfully and efficiently communicate our thoughts to a large audience. In the end of the first half of the term, we made business presentations that we presented to our class. I was not a very good public speaker in the beginning of the year, however, these classes really helped me gain the confidence I need to effectively learn to speak in front of a large audience. In the second half of the term, we learned other aspects of commerce. We learned how to write effective resumes and coverletters, a skill that is required in not only a business school but in any other fields. We also had job interviews, this was a neat experience because it allowed us to learn how to handle a future interview. Overall, this course had been a great experience for me and also taught me important skills required in this field.
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