Coca-Cola’s Dasani Drops (blog response)

by sharonmui

I agree with Janice Chan’s blog that Dasani Drops has the potential for a very promising future. Personally, I side with the brand Coca-Cola, and subsequently Dasani, more than its competitors, but Dasani’s late arrival to the flavour enhancer market poses serious threats.

Kraft Food Inc’s MiO was the first to make the scene and therefore has the upper advantage in the mind of many consumers. Knowing that Coca-Cola and Kraft Food are both highly regarded companies, it will be more difficult to rely on just brand power. I am interested in seeing Coca-cola’s repositioning strategy. Most commercials from Coca-Cola consist of emphasizing the “classic taste” of its products rather than its rivalry with competitors like PepsiCo. In addition, a recent article mentions that John Roddey, vice president of Coca-Cola’s water, tea, and coffee business in North America, “according to AP, says tea is the next big potential for liquid flavor drops.” (The Digital Jounal) According to The Economic Times, Coca-Cola is planning on using Fuze to launch its new tea products. Already established companies like Lipton will most likely be the greatest threat in this situation of expansion, especially since Fuze has less than 0.1% of the tea market . I am intrigued to put further investigation into Coca-Cola’s endeavours and will most likely follow up on this topic later in the year.

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