Entrepreneurship,Trekking through Uncharted Territory

by sharonmui

After reading a report made by Ernst & Young, and the Kauffman Foundation, Eric T. Wagner writes about eight snidbits of advice he found critical to be a successful entrepreneur. Typically, I would quickly skim over an article such as this, since it didn’t provide any information for my immediate concerns and interests. But recently, an entrepreneurial opportunity was presented in front of me.

An old friend of mine contacted me last week wanting to catch up. I was a little taken aback since we had barely spoken to each other during the time we met. Still, it was good to hear that he was doing well. After a few disjointed conversations through Facebook  he brought up his involvement in a business venture and a chance for me to get in on the action. Intrigued, I started asking questions and wondered about my role in his plan (strategy no. 5 in the article).

He tells me that is currently working with some business developers in the Vancouver area to build some sort of web based project. Remembering the Forbe’s article and its talk of balance betweeen embracing innovation and preserving current systems, I thought the venture was promising, seeing as it will be similar to model of the popular website Amazon.com. Not much else has been said so far, but I’m hoping I find out more information when we meet up for coffee later this month.