Task 11: Algorithms of Predictive Texts

I think it’s important to outline the process by which I created the microblog. First, I had to go into my iPhone settings to turn on predictive text, something that I needed to google as I have rarely ever used this feature. Second, after typing in the prompt ‘As a society, we are…’ I followed …

Task 10: Attention Economy

This was quite possibly the most frustrating exercise in almost futility that I have ever done. There were so many aspects that this task lends itself to uncompromising frustration: The timer, I got stuck thinking that I had to complete the task in under a minute, until I read on a classmate’s blog on how …

Task 9: Network Assignment

After uploading the .json file to the Palladio website, the resulting network graph was a little overwhelming to understand. It literally looked like a map of the Tokyo subway system (fig. 1), in other words, it seemed extremely difficult to decipher. Figure 1 Tokyo Subway Map Remembering various undergrad stats courses, I was reminded of …

Task 8: Golden Record Curation Assignment

Being a big fan of all types of music, I found this task to be quite difficult. The podcast presented small snippets of each of the songs, which was useful, though I listened to each song in its entirety. The variety of music is extremely diverse representing a wide range of ethnic origins, time periods, …

Task 7: Mode Bending

In this mode bending task, I redesigned the original ‘What’s in my bag?’ task from a descriptive list into a narrative that involves all of the items in my bag, intended to transform the meaning. According to the New London group (1996), the redesign is the unique product of human agency: a transformed meaning. I …

Task 6: An Emoji Story

Did you rely more on syllables, words, ideas or a combination of all of them? The task specified not to write anything orthographically, so I relied heavily on symbols to represent words and partial words. I felt I cheated a little using the (M) emoji to combine with a cup of tea to form a …

Task 4: Potato Printing

  Original print is printed backwards Using the mirror reflection to have ‘PRINT’ in the correct direction The reflected ‘PRINT’ Was there something particularly challenging in the process? From the outset, I thought the entire process was quite challenging.  The first step of thinking of a 5-letter word that was did not have repeating words …