Rise of Social Entrepreneurship

One third of Canada’s social enterprises were started within the last 2 years – this points out the significant growth in business efforts to address community and environmental issues. Social enterprises will continue to evolve because people are realizing now that having a social purpose can have a positive effect on the bottom line. 
With the majority of people supporting the betterment of social issues and a minority of those that don’t, it makes sense that when choosing between two companies of the same product (say Earls, and Dining in the Dark where all proceeds go to support the blind), majority will choose the brand (or go to the restaurant) that supports a social cause. Therefore this outlines the potential success for social enterprises and the loss incurred by traditional enterprises.    

Social entrepreneurship provides many opportunities for individuals:

1. Be your own boss
2. Help improve your community or environment
3. A chance to work with people who are equally passionate about the social issue you are addressing    
4. Provides work for everyone; there are no limits when it comes to hiring, (for ex: those with disabilities & homeless)
5. Comfortable living style

Social vs. Traditional Entrepreneurship

Social: Does not seek $ for self, but rather for a social purpose and therefore will have a very different accounting structure because profit is not the main goal; more lenient accounting structure.
Traditional: Seeks to earn $ for company; strict accounting structure. 

The main characteristic that both entrepreneurships seek is CHANGE.

Whether it’s seeking change for a social outcome or seeking to change ways of living, with advancements in new technology they both seek change.

However, with the increasing severity of social issues, such as poverty, global warming, and sickness a social enterprise will seek change that really matters at the end of the day, giving these enterprises significant value and importance in today’s society.


Stone Oak Sports Bar & Grille, an Entrepreneurial Business

Stone Oak Sports Bar & Grille located in Boerne, Michigan is an exemplary example of an entrepreneurial business. The construction of Stone Oak was stimulated out of the need to fill a niche in Boerne. There are only three bars in the area, all of which do not have a food service, are located in undesirable locations, and appeal to a narrow range of people with themes such as biker/rocker and country western. The community of Boerne is rapidly flourishing, and therefore the demand for restaurant services is also rapidly flourishing. The entrepreneurs of Stone Oak, Henry DiMuzio and Nick Sturgeon perceived an opportunity to make profit and seized it. With the potential risks in mind – the business flopping because the citizens of Boerne indeed liked going to the other bars in town (which they have become accustomed to), or the business only being successful in the shortcoming because new competition arose stealing its dominance and consequently resulting in an economic loss – these entrepreneurs rose to the challenge. Stone Oak will appeal to a wide range of customers with the notion of welcoming all. Their innovative sides prevailed by introducing new high definition technology in their restaurant, and by also serving food! Their gross profit from FY 1 – FY 5 increases fairly quickly from $758,259 to $957,285 with a net profit increasing from $199,233 to $321,400; the speed and amount of wealth is evident. Stone Oak Sports Bar & Grille exhibits the main features of an entrepreneurial business.