I am a huge fan of Legally Blonde! I even performed a stage solo to the song above last year and rather than watching the blurred clips on you-tube, I get to see it LIVE on March 5, 2011!!
While singing along to the songs in my car, I started wondering how do they market for musicals? Because the only avenues I have heard of them is through my dad and by attending other musicals.
Musicals are advertised on the theatre websites (QE theatre), in program guides (when attending a musical), on posters located downtown, and emails are sent to those who are members of Broadway across Canada, and who are season ticket holders of the Vancouver Canucks; their marketing campaigns are fairly narrow. Musicals have a strategic marketing strategy where the advertising starts off very ‘low key,’ targeting the “cream of the crop” people who’s reservation prices are very high. Once the prime seats are sold, they increase their advertising, informing those whose reservation prices are lower. This way they satisfy all customers by coinciding with their respective reservation prices.
Although this has proven to be a successful strategy, with shows always being a “sell out”, they should widen their avenues of marketing because if it wasn’t for my dad being a season ticket holder I would not have heard about any musicals! Those in charge of marketing should look to target teens like me who are equally passionate about musicals, by increasing visibility in IT, i.e. twitter and facebook.
There are many more effective marketing strategies, however because accountants want to make sure they receive a positive return on production, marketing and accountants must agree on a fixed value to be spent on advertising in order to achieve this.