The Company, its Ends, its Motives, and where the Environment fits into all of that

As a friend of mine Ishan stated in one of his prior posts, a great emphasis has been placed on sustainability within companies in the past few years. A great deal of brand imaging has been placed recently on the basis of a company being caring and proactive towards protecting the environment. This can be seen in small local businesses, large corporations like Coca-Cola with its Polar Bear Fund trying to reach out to a broader market, as well as companies that found themselves on the basis of eco-friendliness, such as The Body Shop.

As Ish stated though, the question is: is the company doing this out of sheer compassion for the planet and sustaining it? Or is it merely for its own brand image and resultant gains in profit? However, I would like to completely agree with him by stating that: it does not matter. Although it is refreshing to find people whose true passion is to take care of others and their natural surroundings, the majority of the time, especially with large corporations, personal gains are the main priority. Therefore, due to the sheer fact that “the ends justifies the motive”, environmental sustainability should be appreciated and valued even when all a company is trying to do is to raise revenues.

2 thoughts on “The Company, its Ends, its Motives, and where the Environment fits into all of that

  1. I must agree with your post. I feel that the large firms are very complicated and that they will be unable to control the battle between the motives that they have. This makes it almost impossible for a large profit seeking firm to achieve a selfless act.
    Though this is a cynical view, I still believe that it adds to our world and is still beneficial to us.

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