learning the culture before being a marketer

by shengyuanfang ~ March 21st, 2011. Filed under: Uncategorized.

My favorite is to talk to my friend because conversions are greatest way to increase the friendship between, but also I can learn lots of knowledge and experiences from them. One of them is working in company’s marketing department that located downtown.

          The greatest thing is to talk about their working experiences with them. I think it is a challenge that people from a totally different culture to work with people who have the American culture background, especially for marketing people. They told me that sometimes it is hard for them to communicate with people in their company. By this they mean that they have enough English speaking skill to talk about their working with others; however, when people chat with others during the breaking they just keep in silent. They do not know how to join the conversion, which makes them are looked like not in the community. Even, people think that they do not like talk to people, or not outgoing.

      I know that those are not their false because they live here, but they are not adapting into the local culture.

      From the conversation with my friends, I learn that it is important to trade my self as local instead of intentional student. I should learn more about the local culture, which contribute to my future. There are several suggestions from them I think that I need to improve. I need to spent more time to read the local news paper and TV shows to know what is going on around me so that when people talk to me I know to say. Moreover, I should make more friends to increase more chances to ‘touch’ the local culture. Also, I should spend more time to join more clubs and community social activities.

     Thinking in English is the most important suggestion that I got from my roommates. Due the big difference of the culture background, people usually have totally different ways to see or thinking the same subject.

    Those are all I learn from my friends, their suggestions enrich my experience before I go to working.

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