Respond to Julia’s blog


Julia Zhang previously blogged about the expansion strategy of Air Canada to the China’s market. I always believe that this could be a brilliant idea before she pointed out that Air Canada is actually struggling to cut its deficit.

“The huge cost of expanding international flights and increasing production of planes in a short amount of time” can bring risks to the operation of Air Canada. However, with the rapid growth in number of people from China who want to either study in or travel to Canada, I believe that the starting costs will be eventually covered by the large revenue that will be generated later on.

As a Chinese student to go back every year with extremely expensive flight ticket, I feel the importance, the urgency as well as expected returns of increasing the number of the international flights. Launching more international flights should be an opportunity for Air Canada that may help to attract a significant amount of potential customers (Increase in flights means increase in flexibility in time schedule and possibly decrease in price for each ticket).

Air Canada was the“only airline that offers intelrnational flight across the Pacific Ocean”, why couldn’t it be the largest airline company that offer these flights?





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