ETEC 532 – Weekly Task 2

After reading/viewing the Ideas and Issues content for this module, write 2 paragraphs that immediately describe what you consider are some of the educational benefits (or not) in making / engaging in video/ image based web content: This is not a long considered piece of writing but rather a first thoughts, get something out there – thinking as writing exercise. You are endeavouring to spark a conversation with your peers, not write a long treatise that encapsulates all your thinking on the subject.

Being in the present seemed to be a major theme in the video projects linked in the module, but as an educator I try to make videos that can be reused over the years, like video tutorials going over equivalent fractions. I’ve also used origami YouTube tutorials with lower primary classes in a DIY style. What I like about these video tutorials is they can be paused to give learners time to digest content in chunks or rewound and replayed. If learners have access to their own device like an iPad, the learning pace can be set by the individual.

I’ve been thinking how can I effectively use videos/image based web content in my classes. I’m considering combining feedback with video journals. During a Professional Development session I attended, a study shared that verbal feedback is more meaningful than written feedback. I have been trying it out, and I am seeing my students using the feedback I give them more often. Video content can be similar to verbal feedback, especially in online learning contexts. There are screen-recording apps like Screencastify that allow camera-shy students to record without showing their faces. Could students record their learning or the progress of their art projects and combine the different images/videos into one video, adding their own annotations during the process and then again as a reflection at a later time? The reflection at a later time could be more meaningful than traditional written ones because students would be connecting with their past selves. One of my students told me how cool it was to find out that her parents had first seen Home Alone when they were her age. She was excited about having this connection with her parents, watching Home Alone for the first time at the same age. Could a video reflection on a video progress diary create a similar and/or meaningful connection?

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