roads ahead


As I mentioned I made that shorting decision so irrationally, I think my gain is partly from luck, so I would dig the reasons why price of soybean did decline in the past week and prepare thoroughly for the next trading week.

I read some of the blogs the others wrote, and these brilliant minds give me inspirations. One mentioned that the on-going harvest lowering price is not due to the excess supply but due to the fact that storage for corn through the non-harvest months is costly. This harvest time is referred to as ” stock-out” phase in terms of considering storage cost.This is interesting because now I do realize how useful it is to apply textbook and lecture knowledge.

I saw many people went long on whichever commodity because they took consideration of the drought in the States. Many loss from this decision because they have not read enough information about the recent rain in some areas, which helped the harvest, and increased the price. What I can learn from these blog entries is that ALWAYS looking at weather conditions.

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