week 2: roads ahead

Actually this was writtien on Sept. 30 and somehow it was saved in the draft box instead of being published… Here we go…

I went short on Corn (C3H) this week, it went on as I predicted in the beginning days but on Friday price in one day increased by (719.50-748.25)/748.25=3.842%, because of the release of annual stockpile data report.

Domestic corn inventories totaled 988 million bushels as of Sept. 1, the lowest level in eight years, the Department of Agriculture said Friday in a closely watched quarterly grain-supplies report. Corn supplies were below the average analyst forecast of 1.126 billion bushels in a Dow Jones Newswires poll this week.

There’s also an interesting trend about Euro to U.S. Dollar exchange rate:

Which indicates demand for U.S. dollars would keep going up.  Thus, prices of U.S.domestic commodities are supposed to rise.

In the coming week, the first thing to do is to offset the short contract, because the price is most likely to continue running up.



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