Core Values & Company Culture

A statement that stuck with me that was mentioned by Scott Sinclair in one of the COMM 101 lectures was “commerce is a people’s business”. What I garnered from this was that what makes an organization so successful are the employees. When the employees are happy working for a certain company, they will feel more motivated to work harder to achieve the company’s goal.

Zappos is an online retail store that  is a definition of a people’s business and it has core values that encourage good behavior, ethics and motivation.

These 10 values above create a friendly working environment for the employees because they all believe in the same thing; they are all trying to help the company achieve its goal of “delivering happiness to its customers”.
Zappos has great business ethics and they focus on customer happiness, their profits are bound to increase in the long run due to increase in consumer happiness, this leads to stronger brand loyalty.
It markets itself as a company that is not entirely focused on profits. This image will attract customers and skilled employees, these employees will be more willing to work for Zappos in the long term because the working environment is unique and positive.




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