Reply to Yan Kai Ng’s blog post: Liberation Wrapper

This post is to reply to Yan Kai Ng’s post, I do agree that the liberation wrapper is a brilliant innovative idea by Freshness Burger that takes into account of the culture and mannerisms of the Japanese women. It allows women of Japan to be temporarily free from the curse of society’s perceived view of elegant and beauty, the “Ochobo” (small mouthed women).

While this is very smart of them, it still doesn’t allow women to eat however and whatever they want! Japanese women will still not be able to eat large food in public besides the burgers at Freshness Burger joints. What does this imply? It means that even though Japan is such an advanced country with its fast technology and pace of life, some aspects of the Japanese culture are (e.g. Ochobo) not advancing to modern times. Due to this some women do not get to fully experience the simple joys of life and the freedom of not being criticized and viewed negatively upon by the public if they diverge from the views of society.

The women of Japan are being secretly discriminated and oppressed by their own culture!

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