The Body Shop Welcomes the News Reports that The Chinese Food and Drug Administration will Adopt a New Approach to Animal Testing for Cosmetic Products

The Body Shop is not only an international brand which sells body-care products, but its brand positioning and value proposition, two concepts that we have learnt in class, stand out.

Instead of using animal testing for cosmetic purposes, new means of testing for cosmetics for domestically manufactured ordinary products will be adopted by The Chinese Food and Drug Administration. This is greatly welcomed and supported by The Body Shop. The Body Shop is the first beauty company to be against animal testing for cosmetics.

The points of difference which separates The Body Shop from others such as Lush, is not only its products, but also the value proposition that is embedded. The Body Shop has been socially active and its founding message states against animal testing, which makes the corporation the most long-standing cosmetics company to take action on the issue. It also joins and supports Cruelty Free International’s.

Video: Happy Bunnies! Celebrating the EU Ban on Animal Testing for Cosmetics

Because of this “humanitarian” value proposition, The Body Shop positions its brand as highly ethical and “animal-friendly” brand. This helps The Body Shop distinguish itself from other competing firms. I would choose The Body Shop undoubtedly.



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