YouTube – The Ultimate Record Label Company

Beatles were the zeitgeist of the 1960’s. The “Beatlemania” brought with it an overwhelming love and passion for music. They boldly changed the music genres of their time and exceled as the Fab4. Yet, as we look at them now, we can’t grasp the idea they could ever fail. Unfortunately, they did much like how Elvis Presley did in his first attempt to become a musician. This is because the music industry is extremely competitive. With the supplier power being extremely low, and the buyer power being the most influential. Therefore it’s a subjective judgment that the record label firms need to take to define both their musician’s and their success. Thus in this process of subjective decision-making, there are many great artists who get rejected at this early stage.

the music industry is extremely competitive. With the supplier power being extremely low, and the buyer power being the most influential.


This in recent years has changed because of YouTube. People now can post videos and within days get accolades from strangers all over the world. It’s easy, quick and convenient. Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez and Lana Del Ray, are few examples who reached their peak all because of YouTube. With YouTube, the middleman is gone and you alone can pave your way to Stardom. 



Here are some YouTube videos of musicians that I think are great!


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