Zappos as a firm tries to make sure that the organizational structure present at the company is at its best. It offers entrants 2000 dollars to leave, it carries out a two week course prior to employment and then makes the employees sign a contract to ensure that they are willing to be part of the Zappos community and that they understand the Core Values present at the company.
With such efforts put on improving organizational structure, does organizational structure really affect a company’s success? Learning through Google, it feels that yes, organizational culture is a key aspect to a company’s success. Google is named as the best place to work by Fortune and this title alone allows Google to attract the best employees from around the world only because of the experience that they guarantee to their employees . They have a work philosophy; a free-flowing work structure and they give their employees the freedom to innovate, making conditions perfect for growth.
Therefore learning from this trend shows how emerging companies should now not only pay their employees well, but they should also make sure that the work environment is fitting for success!
Other Blogs and References:
Rodrigo Rejas’s Blog on Google’s Organizational Structure
Google’s Organizational Structure