Looking back at our project, I was extremely satisfied with what our group achieved. As we progressed from one part of the project to the other, our understanding of one and other grew and this helped us cooperate, think and work better as a team.
In retrospect, however, I would make a few changes if I had to do the project all over again. The first change that would have helped our team further would be to appoint team leader for each meetings. This would have been helpful because it would have allowed us to focus on the task at hand and not get easily distracted, leading us to use our time more effectively. The second change that would have helped us more would be to schedule meetings at better times where each member could attend the meeting and give their valuable input. This was one of the big challenges that we faced as each of the group members had such different schedules and timings that they were available to work in.
Even though there was room for improvement when it came to the efficiency of our group, I still feel, however, that this did not take away from the quality of our project. In the end, we worked great as a team and using one and other’s strengths we were able to produce a project that each member was proud of. This group project has been by best in Sauder so far because we all played an equal part in delivery its different pieces. In the end, this assignment has developed my knowledge of marketing greatly. Working in a team to reposition Blackberry was not only challenging, but also a great learning experience where outside-the-box thinking played a large role in rebranding the company’s image.