Entrepreneurship – Like a Virgin

After have read Sir Richard Branson’s book, Like a Virgin, I received valuable insight into the world of entrepreneurship. Almost everyone in the world today can recognize the Virgin logo.  The extensive Virgin Brand boasts anything from Virgin Galactic to Virgin Connect to Virgin UK. Richard Branson has created almost all of these ventures in his recent years. For me; however, his most inspiring project has been of him when he was really young.  As a teenager, he realized that there was a strong demand for Christmas trees in the area where he lived. Observing this demand, he along with his friend bought seeds and planted them so that they could grow and sell them when the time was right. Since Richard Branson studied in a boarding school, he planted the seeds and left for school, when he arrived back, he saw that the animals had eaten up all of his trees and ended his little venture then and there. He took a risk, failed, but didn’t give up. This robust entrepreneurial personality is evident in all of his ventures today and for this reason he remains as an inspiring entrepreneur to me.

Richard Branson’s Personal Blog and Other References:

Richard’s blog

Virgin – Official Website

Bloomberg Businessweek – Virgin

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